MOUTAI 茅台 梅兰竹菊 53%vol 酱香型白酒 500ml*4瓶 组合套装
¥33680起茅台酒产地——茅台镇位于东经105。、北纬27°,地域海拔高度420-550米,依山傍水,风景秀丽,2001年贵州茅台酒被认定为原... 阅读全文 -
优选 Petrus Petrus 帕图斯酒庄 Petrus 帕图斯酒庄波美侯梅洛干型红葡萄酒 2007年
¥33000起Petrus is not actually a 'chateau' per se, although it is often referred to as such. Ownership: Jean-F... 阅读全文 -
优选 Petrus Petrus 帕图斯酒庄 Petrus 帕图斯酒庄波美侯梅洛干型红葡萄酒 2013年
¥33000起Petrus is not actually a 'chateau' per se, although it is often referred to as such. Ownership: Jean-F... 阅读全文 -